Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meaningful work: an appeal to the young

By Scott Nappolos

An article about choosing meaning in employment. 

From the time I was a child, I was told to follow my dreams and do something I truly loved. Granted I rarely met an adult who was passionate about their work, but they seemed sincere in their desire for others to take that path. The advice of course usually had a piece of bitterness attached to it. As I came of age, the terrain didn’t look pretty. Most of my personal passions were deserts for employment. Nor did I really know anyone who was living the dream, so to speak, at work. My path began from leaving that advice behind.
Society is littered with talk of meaningful work. The creative class, jobs that means something, doing something with one’s life, work that matters, helping people; we’re inundated with phrases, words, and images that describe our poverty and the future that we are supposed to aspire to.
It’s actually worse for people who commit themselves to making radical change in society. A confluence of pressures pushes down on them year after year through family wondering when they will grow up, friends perpetually moving on to something better, and a gnawing sense of wasted potential. Why bother with the endless meetings, the mindless work, and for what?
Unless you’re born into a situation where work is unnecessary, nearly everyone experiences the modern workplace. Service work in particular serves as a stark reminder of reality and alternatives. The unending drudgery of task after task slinging fatty coffee that literally poisons people’s health, selling useless items created on the backs of abused workers elsewhere, cardboard boxes rolling down the line that just keep coming and coming, forcing a smile when we are cursed at or harassed; Nearly everyone has been forced to participate in the bitterness of having our time stolen. It’s perhaps harder to bare for those who know the widest extent of the misery of humanity and understand how preventable it all is.
The sense of meaninglessness in jobs is a strong current in society. Tv shows, films, music, and other forms of pop culture repeat the comedy, frustration, and depression of spending one’s time on tasks that seem pointless. This isn’t to say that people’s jobs don’t make a difference. Many things we do keep society running and contributes to the social good. The meaninglessness of work in today’s society arises out of the reflection of workers that their time is not really benefiting the people they serve or advancing them as people. As a healthcare worker I can see both sides of this. Obviously healthcare is crucial for societies. At the same time any hospital worker can recognize how it is that the healthcare system not only harms people, but also in general contributes to people staying sick. Meaning is something deeper than just keeping the gears moving and helping our fellow human beings. Meaning is about where we are headed and who we are. This is where youth get squeezed and falter.
Modern capitalism with its base of debt makes everything seem possible. The compulsion to put food on the table is softened by easy credit. We can go back to school, live on credit cards, travel to cheap places, and find means to delay work enough to get by. Young people accumulate useless degrees and insane debts while deferring the future and often slipping into the delusions of jobs that simply do not exist. Choosing what to do with our lives takes on the characteristic of other more banal decisions. We are shopping for an ethical product. Validation stands at the core of this, and plays off the fear of a wasted life, idle efforts, and ending up trapped chasing false ideals. What to tell worried parents who watched their child squander what chances they had for material success? It is better to say that one is employed fighting poverty, educating the youth, or some other remix of Mother Theresa, Gandhi, or perhaps Bono.
The problem is that there is no escape. Professors spend decades moving town to town as itinerant adjuncts teaching the most bland classes, writing mechanical essays in desperation to stay published, and constantly struggling for something more stable. Even at it’s best, University life leaves less time for liberatory thought and action than the part time service worker. Union organizers spend seventy or eighty hour weeks at the service of hostile bureaucracies, and too often find themselves in the position of pimping the Democratic party and selling backroom deals with management to disillusioned workers. NGO staff share the same fate, bending to the will of the funders and forced to represent the interests of the powerful under false flags of social change. Self-employment and cooperatives turn activist efforts into business efforts, and consume more time than any capitalist could ever demand from a job. Good people find themselves lost there, tired of all the worn appearances that hide a rotten structure, yearning to escape too their work and get back to something more authentic.
We need to question and even condemn the pressure on youth to find meaningful work. As long as we live in capitalism, its deep wells will poison all the streams flowing into our cities. With capitalist work, even the most holy pursuit will end up in mindlessness, subservience to stupid management, and in fighting the current trying to make some good out of a hostile situation that constantly tries to undo our efforts. This isn’t to say that some don’t enjoy their jobs. Some do. Yet on the balance, the vast majority can’t find employment that will engage them, and those who do generally must sacrifice the rest of their lives for the privilege. The real question to be raised isn’t whether you should enjoy your job or not, but whether you should dedicate your life to work. Or better, what is the relation of living to working?
This logic should be turned on its head. It’s not what we’re employed doing that should define, validate, or give meaning to our lives; it’s our life itself that does. How much brighter does the future look to liberate oneself from the oppressive concept of boundless sacrifice to meaningful jobs? Why shouldn’t youth seek to maximize their lives against this work? There are other roads open to us. We can work, as we must, but can struggle to find the most time for ourselves and our causes. Better we write, protest, organize, and gather in our workplaces on time off, than to cement that relationship into employment or worse into our identities.
Our lives are defined by what we do, not who writes our paychecks. A political life is an attempt to regain a meaningful life. It is a task for all of society, and not monopolized by a special class employed as professional politicians, bureaucrats, and humanitarians. Meaning is not at work, but in the beauty of daily living, in struggling for a better world, and whatever path your desires take you towards. Our joy is not found in simply imposing our will onto the world, but in the happiness that can only be found in fighting for a more just and beautiful world around us. Dedicating oneself to the struggles of others changes you. Within, we must fight to constantly overcome ourselves against the current, a process that can be deeply enriching. The commitment and work of liberation makes all of society our classroom, our workplaces gymnasiums, and our neighborhoods galleries...
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Originally published on Libcom,org. Read the article in its entirety HERE.


Anonymous said...

常為下午6點~隔天早上6點!2.需要到傳播公司(辦公室)報到,在現場等待客人來電,若在家裡等待,傳播公司會先安排現場等待的姐妹為主,一但有case之後,再派車前往KTV(錢櫃)、汽車旅館、釣蝦場或是客人的家裡狂歡! (要注意,許多是私人密閉空間!)3.客人層次很廣泛,任何類型的客人都會遇到(也就是沒有篩選客層的情況偏高!),因為工作地點是隨機的,所以現場無傳播公司的人看管,若客人藉酒裝瘋,很難在第一時間年最新版】?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與為什麼女生會選擇來酒店工作酒店上班?其實很簡單就是為了錢,搶救低薪、改變現況、翻轉現實、早脫貧、有存款、好生活酒店工作觀察家在酒店上班,的告訴大家,許多紅牌小姐是有下功夫的麼領的?應該不是月薪吧?女孩子去那裡上班會不會多,其實豹酒店上班,採家庭式管理,除了已有住所的台中酒店上班在地人之外,我們能讓外縣市來台中金錢豹酒店打工的新人,都能一報到就有但見仁見智,現在大環境真的不如從前了,到酒店上班必須付出更多的時間,努力與積極的態度,就是不能抱著兩天捕魚三天一、沒有酒店經驗初到酒店上班的公關,要避免自己跟單一客人在包廂。因為不懂得應對的情況下,自己較會吃虧,以一個〝單純〞陪酒的酒店小姐,一天的收入約3000~7000(不含小費)除非有〝額外〞1.什麼原因會進酒店工作?!【負債】被動因素家庭負債:如為了家人酒店經紀的賭債或者家人生意失敗而到酒店上班。感情負債:如為了幫男友或老公還錢,且另一半能力有限,須到酒店兼職。個人負債:如刷卡、賭博、做生意失敗而進酒店打工。學業負債:如助學貸款。【環境】被動因素單親家庭:如身為獨生女需要照顧重病家人,需要龐大的醫藥費。養育小孩:自己獨立撫養小孩的單親媽媽。【夢想】主動因素物質夢想:想買自己的東西。金錢夢想:想存一筆錢。留學夢想:想要出國留學。購屋夢想:想要一間的房子。不論妳是甚麼原因入行,請莫忘初衷。各行各業都有其辛苦的地方,要仔細思考得失之間。既然決定酒店兼職到酒店工作,就要勇敢面對與承擔!2.我真的要成為酒店小姐嗎?!真的有必要到酒店工作嗎?!在酒店上班的難言之隱!• 妳受夠其他人袖手旁觀的嘴臉嗎?!惟有自己拉自己一把,才能維持基本生活與尊嚴!近來在部落格和官網留言的人,有增多的趨勢,每年這個時侯總是特別忙。這一波的全球不景氣也牽動了台灣,也在經濟上給台灣重重的一擊!可不是

梁爵 said...


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